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Understanding Ozone Technology - The Purifying, Sanitizing & Healing effects of Ozone when applied to Air, Water & People!

What Is Ozone?

The Formation of Ozone

The Formation of ozone

Ozone is a gas, which is formed naturally during a thunderstorm when lightning converts oxygen into ozone. The fresh sweet smell in the air after a storm is the smell of ozone. Ozone is generated when a high voltage electric discharge passes through the air. The oxygen molecules are converted to ozone, with three oxygen atoms instead of two.

What Does Ozone Do?

Ozone is a very strong oxidant. When it comes into contact with micro-organisms such as bacteria and fungi, or with odour making particles, it oxidises them. This process is non-selective, which means that a given target such as legionellosis cannot develop an immunity or resistance to ozone.

Why Is That Important?

Ozone kills bacteria, germs and fungus

Because ozone is such an effective oxidant, it neutralises all organic and inorganic material. This means that it kills viruses (including Coronavirus - COVID-19), bacteria, mould, mildew, fungus and germs. It can be used to kill impurities and odours in the air and in water. In other words, ozone gas can clean the air and water as effectively, and often more effectively than any chemicals.

Why Not Just Use Chemicals?

When we use chemical sprays to clear the air of bacteria, or put chemicals in water to kill the germs, the chemicals leave a residue behind which is unhealthy for humans. When ozone is used to do the same thing, it leaves behind no chemical residues. It is also far more effective for killing odours than chemicals, because it actually kills the bacteria responsible for the smell, rather than just masking the smell with another.

Where Can Ozone Be Used?

Ozone can be used anywhere where germs and bad smells are unwanted, which is of course anywhere. It is used for sanitising, deodorising and making areas hygienic. It can be used domestically, in the home or office, commercially in hotels, restaurants and hospitals and industrially for water purification and sterilisation in factories and agricultural warehouses.

Is Ozone Dangerous?

At high levels, ozone can be uncomfortable for humans. However, ozone generators produce ozone at levels to kill micro-organisms, levels that are too low to be dangerous to humans. All our units conform to Guidance Note EH/38/96 of the UK Health and Safety Executive.

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Essential Ozone

Ozone or trivalent oxygen is perhaps the most misunderstood, hated and loved element in the air we breathe. On one hand we are told that it is harmful, poisonous and capable of doing great harm to our lungs. On the other hand we are told that it is has the potential of being the greatest natural purification element we have available to deal with man-made pollutants. The truth lies in the understanding of the nature of ozone itself, the mechanisms of ozone formation, the nature of the pollution problem that requires a solution and finally any adverse health effects involved with ozone as compared with other health risks encountered in our modern indoor environments.

Ozone is commonly accepted to be a pollutant associated with large urban areas typified by Los Angeles. It is true that ozone is a part of smog, but it is also true that ozone exists outside of the smog environment in even the purest of outdoor elements.

In unpolluted areas ozone is created by the action of nitrogen oxides and ultraviolet light from the sun with the natural agricultural and animal husbandry sources of methane and even hydrocarbon compounds of isoprene and terpene emitted from trees of the forest. In fact, anywhere in nature that hydrocarbons exist with strong sunlight and moisture, ozone will occur in some quantities. Areas that are considered the most healthy vacation spots in the country have some of the highest levels of naturally occurring ozone.

Ozone is also created electrically in nature during active thunderstorms. The electrical discharge creates that positive sweet smell that we understand as clean fresh air and that we can recall as the fresh smell of laundry hung outside in the sun to dry. Who can deny the positive values associated with sleeping on sheets exposed to and purified by sunlight?

In urban areas ozone is created in two other important ways. First there is the direct breakdown of chemicals that are spewed into the environment in industrial processes. Formaldehyde, xylene and olefin also combine with nitrogen oxides and ultraviolet light to create ozone while at the same time reducing the feed stock of these harmful industrial chemicals. The second is related to the photochemical production of ozone from automobile emissions and mass burners. It can be seen that in the last case ozone is being created by the breakdown of the hydrocarbons but that it is also aiding in the breakdown of these chemicals. It is, therefore, natural that the highest concentrations of ozone will be found in the areas with the highest concentration of un-oxidized or unburned hydrocarbons. It is confusion with cause and effect that have given rise to the notion that ozone itself is the source of the problems related to smog rather that just one of the chemicals present in the process.

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Living Air

The energy crisis in the 70's forced the construction industry to build with energy conservation in mind. Today our homes, offices, schools and buildings of all types are insulated and sealed tightly. Of course, this saves energy, but it also traps pollutants inside. Very little outside air enters and little air can escape. This means indoor air is re-circulated and indoor air pollutants keep building up.


Outdoor pollutants (pollens, oils from smoke, gases, allergens and odours) attach themselves to our clothing. Once indoors, clothing releases the allergens, gases and odours in the air.


That "new smell" from new carpeting, drapes furniture and upholstery is actually chemical fumes, noxious gases and odours.

Construction Materials

Paint plywood and particleboard (from cabinets, furniture, and panelling) also emits chemical, noxious gases and odours.

Home Cleaning Products

Furniture polishes, ammonia and other cleaning products produce chemical vapours and harsh fumes.

Heating and Cooling Systems

Since it gathers dust and moisture, ductwork is a natural breeding ground for mould, mould spores, bacteria and dust mites. What's worse, ductwork helps distribute these indoor pollutants through your building.

Indoor Air Pollutants

Dust:  Did you know? 42000 dust mites can live in only one ounce of dust! Forty pounds of dust generated per year per 1,500 square feet of space, host 15 species of dust mites!

Bacteria:  Did you know? Bacteria are found in your heating and cooling systems, house pets, garbage, and bathrooms - everywhere in your home!

Mould Spores:  Did you know? Mould spores are found in your heating and cooling systems, in damp clothing, cleaning materials and the moisture in your ceilings, walls, carpets and drapes.

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Options for Fighting Indoor Air Pollution
Localised Area Units (Media Filter)

The only air that is affected is the air that is filtered - typically in one room. It is difficult for air trapped in furniture, upholstery, or other fabric to get filtered.

Whole Building Units (Media Filter or Electronic Air Cleaner)

The only air that gets filtered is the air which is actually drawn through the unit. The air is only filtered when blower is running.

Major Disadvantage of Air Filtration Systems

Only air that passes through is affected. Much of the air in your building remains unaffected and polluted.

Media Filters and Electronic Air Cleaners:

Glass Fibre Filter: Fibre filters trap larger particulate more efficiently than small matters. For proper airflow, some pollutants are permitted to pass through. These filters typically only stop about half the smoke, dust and bacteria in the air.

Activated Carbon Filter: These filters are designed to trap some particles and gases. Filters are typically expensive to use, need to be replaced often and slow down airflow.

Electronic Air Cleaners: Air passes through a "charging" section. Electronically charged plates attract the particulate. Particulate have received an electrical charge. Filters must be cleaned and changed regularly. They get clogged, reduce airflow, lose efficiency and make the blower motor work harder.

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Ozone Generators

Ozone Generators simulate the way nature cleanses air. We've all taken a walk after a thunderstorm and experienced the clean, fresh smell in the air. That is ozone at work. And it is the natural process that Ozone Generators simulate. Lightning creates an abundance of activated oxygen O3 in the air. The same lightning also creates an abundance of negative ions in the air. Activated oxygen and negative ions work together naturally.

Here's How Ozone Works
Positive (+) and Negative (-) Ions

Negative and positive charges cause particulates to join together and as they become heavy, they drop from the air.

O2 (oxygen) is converted to O3 (ozone)

Some oxygen (O2) molecules split up leaving two oxygen atoms (O and O, not O2). These oxygen atoms then join to other oxygen molecules (O2) to form an ozone molecule (O3), oxidise a pollutant nearby or join together again with a free oxygen atom to form the regular oxygen molecule (O2). The additional oxygen atom in the ozone (O3) molecule splits off to oxidise a pollutant - leaving behind O2, the air we breathe.

Major Advantages

No harsh chemicals. No heavy perfume odours. No cleaning product odours.

Why do Ozone Generators work so well?

Natural levels of O3 move throughout the environment, penetrating carpets, drapes, furniture and other hard to reach areas. Since we can't put a forest or a thunderstorm in our home, OzoneAir SA offers you air systems that simulates nature's own air purifying process.

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Where Ozone Is Used?
In Air:
  • To remove odours and improve air quality
  • To sterilise preparation rooms and equipment
  • To control fruit and flower ripening

Smoking rooms, Reception areas, Restrooms, Board & Meeting rooms, Cafeterias, Record rooms, Maintenance rooms, Garbage holding rooms, Guest rooms, Dining rooms, Restaurants, Bars, Toilets, Gymnasiums, Kitchens, locker rooms, laundry rooms, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, After flooding, After fire, Funeral homes, Motor vehicles, Beauty salons, Hair dressers, Pet shops, Shopping malls, Property management, Orchards, Florists, Police, Hospitals, and Nursing homes.

In Water:
  • To sterilise water for drinking and cleaning
  • For the bleaching and removal of particles
  • To improve oxygen content

Washing Hands, Components, Surfaces, Produce, Drinking water, Fish farming, Waste water management, Municipal water, Spas, Baths, Flushing, Pet shops.

Ambient Air Control

The fresh quality of indoor air may be maintained by the introduction of small amounts of ozone to maintain the optimum level of .04ppm

The Saturation System

This is used to sterilise or deodorise an area using concentrated ozone levels.

Water Purification

May be obtained or maintained by the introduction of small quantities of ozone.

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